A week into the pre-campaign period of this campaign, and all is going very well. It has been great to walk around the City and get good wishes from so many people…
Yes, many are friends and people I have worked with, but many are people I hardly know or have never met. Most mention they have been reading my blog, saw me speak at an event, or saw me in their local newspaper, and want to let me know they support me.
They commonly say “congratulations!”, for which I thank them for, then remind them that congratulations are what you offer someone after they cross a finish line, where I am currently at the start line hurriedly pinning the race number on my jersey.
And I am recognizing there is a real race ahead, and a lot of work. I had many volunteers come out of the woodwork right off the bat, and they helped me run out of my First Run doorhangers (if you got one – collector’s item!) to support the launch. I am already working on “Phase 2” printed materials to support my August door-knocking plan.
Meanwhile, the news in New Westminster keeps on giving us things to talk about. I would say the top 3 topics people have wanted to discuss this week are the TransLink decision on truck routes, the ambitious Whitecaps plan for Queens Park, and the Mayoral race – will Wayne or won’t Wayne? I have opinions on two of these.
I’m spending the long weekend in New Westminster, doing the busy work of the campaign preparation, meeting with people, and hoping to get some long-neglected garden work done. Happy BC Day!