I write about Council a lot here, always after the fact, and always in a long form that isn’t really the fashion these days. People’s on-line attention is short, arguably shorter than the long run-on sentences I have the tendency to write. And listicles, apparently listicles are a thing. So I’m going to add something new to my Blog, and hopefully it becomes a regular thing:
Council Top 3
This is my regular pre-council list of what I think are going to be the most important three items on our Council agenda tomorrow* in no particular order, so you can decide if you want to tune in.
#1: Sapperton/Massey-Victory Heights Transportation Plan: Staff have provided a summary report of the result of two years of data collection, stakeholder workshops, public meetings, and planning work. They outline some short-term, medium-term and long-term capital investments and policy work that will hopefully help reduce the livability impacts of regional population growth, RCH expansion, and local development.
#2: Renovictions Action Plan Update: The City has taken a lot of measures to protect the affordable rental housing stock, but renovictions still occur, and we have little regulatory authority to stop them. We are, however, working to make sure tenants have resources and understand their rights in the event that they are facing renoviction, and are continuing to call on the Provincial Government to take more measures in updating the Residential Tenancy Act.
#3: 2017 Annual Report presentation: This is the annual summary of what the City has done in the 2017 Fiscal Year, from how we spent your money to Changes in policy and new capital works. Our CAO will present a summary of the report, the public will be provided an opportunity to speak to it, and the published report is already available on-line.
Finally, breaking my own rule (not 300 words after I made it), I’ll add a fourth to my Top 3:
Public Hearing on 838 Ewen Avenue: This is actually on *Tuesday*, as we expect it to be a lengthy Public Hearing, and don’t want it to undermine the important work being done on Monday. If you have feelings for or against the Temporary Modular Housing project in Queensborough, Tuesday night is the time to let Council know.
*footnote: The funny thing about Council: it is almost impossible to predict what three items will rise to the top and get the most debate/ public feedback / media coverage, so these are only my guesses. For a full prediction of the entire Council agenda, go to the agenda!